Thursday, November 12, 2015

How Relationships Can & Can't Work


So here I go...I thought I would never write about relationship's while I was in one.... but fuck it...yup..that's right fuck it.. I am so sick and tired of the same old shit over and over again.

So here's the truth.....
They can be good, and when they are good they can be amazing.....but when they suck ass, they can REALLY suck ass....I am only speaking from personal experience....So this is my own personal thoughts and feelings. Being with someone can take a toll on you as a not always in a bad way...but it can. Sometimes it can make you feel as though you lose sight of who you are and what you are about. But it shouldn't. It can be hard, but try not to lose yourself completely to another person. Losing yourself with another person-well that's on some level merge together for some things and gain a closer relationship. That doesn't always happen you might be on the same page for some things but sometimes, the things that you need to be on the same page about, your not....and that's not a good thing. You need to be able to talk to each other.

Communication is another part of a relationship that can make or break it. I'm not talking about having length conversations while sitting on the couch drinking coffee....but just the way you talk to each other, if you are constantly putting each other down, or saying things that you know will hurt a person-that's not good. If you listen to how they feel, but as soon as you go to tell them, they don't care...they just look at you like what do you want from me. Even when you do manage to gain the courage to tell them how you feel...having them almost disregard it....really sucks too. You don't need to talk about your relationship everyday...if its really good relationship then you shouldn't have to talk about it everyday...actually, you shouldn't ever have to even talk about it at all...You just both get it, understand and work through it. Its when you try and try to work through things that can feel like its getting to be an old broken record, that just keeps spinning around and around.....That can make you feel crazy....and I mean crazy..

Respect...another one....look if you cant respect each other and try to give each other what you BOTH need and want out of a relationship...then...don't be with that person.....Relationships are a two-way street. you both have to work together to keep the relationship doesn't happen overnight it takes time....You also have to have patience with each other. As your relationship grows and slowly becomes something serious showing each other patience just by little not flipping out when they ask you a simple yes or no flipping out over something major is one thing but a question that requires only a yes or no answer is not one to really flip over.
Time is what a relationship needs, you cant rush things....ohhh I just LOVE to here about rushing into a cant sit there and tell me they never heard or even used that one before...I'm no saint....and I've said it before to someone..because at the time, it was feeling like some fatal attraction type know....and I felt suffocated....and closed off from everyone and everything and felt like I was going to lose my shit. After that relationship ended.... I realized that he was the problem, he had a very clingy and weird obsession with not only me but the idea of a relationship...he went off the deep end....and it got very scary for a little while...afraid to leave.. I was afraid of what he would do if I did.. now there wasn't physical abuse or anything like that.. but definitely some mental and emotional.... I vowed then and there that I was not going to have another like him...HA..I laugh at myself because of the really dumb choices I made...and looking back at them....YUP..I have EVERY right to laugh at myself. Its easy to laugh at yourself when you grow up a bit and look back on things. It can make you appreciate the person you are with.
Sometimes we do need to change ourselves, but it shouldn't be because they want you to change, it should be because you realize things and change them to better yourself, and if that means that when you do change the, you realize that you don't want to be with them....then don't be with them. Don't stay with someone because you fear being alone, or that you don't want to hurt them, but make a choice.
Lingering feelings of if it is even worth it.....ohhh man...those ones suck the most. Because you are then left questioning everything.....everything about them, about the relationship....and even everything about yourself...and I HATE when I am left questioning things about a relationship its never a good sign...but if you both can make the next day a good day...and keep doing the good stuff then it might be worth trying to fight for...but sometimes that fight dies out...that 'Yes I want this' feeling fades, and your left asking why am I here? Try this exercise..... The next time you feel like that look at your significant other if they give you that look.....the look that everything is okay and not worry....if you get that look...give it a little more time....if it gets worse in the next 24-48 hours...get out...
Make sure that if a break up is necessary that it doesn't come out in a fight...That it can come from a peaceful, adult type freaking out, no yelling, stay as calm as possible and just talk it through...Sometimes a break up is inevitable....but other times that might be the breaking point that fixes the relationship....
You never know what is in store for you. unless you try....


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Wonder how many people say I'm fine in a day?

"I'm fine." Mine as well as a ton of other people out there people enough times and you start to believe that your just fine...when really it's just pushed so far down that you cant even feel it anymore. I know there are 2 reasons why I say that...
1. I say it because I want everyone to be happy...and not have drama or bullshit happen...
2. I just need to deal with it to myself...I know sometimes that's not always a good thing to do, but that's how I am. I suppress my feels...I know I do...and I'm okay with being able to admit that...what I am not okay with is pushing EVERYTHING down and then BOOM it all gets released in one "Watch the fuck out...i'm comin through" kinda way... I know that many of us do I am not the only one in the world...but it really sucks sometimes.
 I try hard to tell people how I feel...especially those I care most about...Im not shy by any means I tell it like it is...if you don't like it----Don't listen....I am blunt and to the point...I can come off as mean almost...and I think that comes from me always needing to make sure everyone around me is happy...and doing everything in my power to help them..
I don't look after that sort of shit for myself....I like I said earlier I suppress things a lot. As I sit here writing this and thinking about a million and ten different things....(Thanks Its just popped into my head that I NEED a change....and I gotta do it now!!!
I don't think it will be a good one at the beginning but I think over time it will get better....

End of rant...LOL pretty sure there will be more to


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Writers Block SUX!!!!!!

I'm stuck. . .
I have paper, pencil, and plenty of ideas of what to write but I have NO IDEA where to start. No clue...absolutely no clue...
I hate when this happens I have these great idea for stories...but just stuck pretty bad...
I love the fact that I'm this creative...but sometimes it feel like I am going crazy with all these ideas but no where to begin.... lol


----- This is me everyday or my

Thursday, October 22, 2015

American Horror Story Hotel

So it has only been few episodes and so far American Horror Story has been pretty impressive in the sick and twisted department. Which is just fine by me....LOL....
I have been a fan of American Horror Story since day one. I love the fact that a show like this is on tv. It has blood, guts and gore which are my 3 favourite things in anything I I love that this show has the freedom to say and do the things they do on it. The amount of fans they have is astronomical.....
I knew that this season was going to be intense and it is already proving to be just that. I will continue to watch it...and I cant wait to see what unfolds...I'm pretty sure its going to be good.....This is American Horror Story we're talking about

Friday, June 26, 2015

Who Is Ready To Check Into The Hotel This OCT?!?!
So here we are again everyone is getting geared up for the new season of American Horror Story. I am extremely excited for this season, as I am with every season to date. It is a little depressing that the epicness that is Jessica Lange will not be gracing us with her presence on this season, however I hope that if they gave her a minor role she'd say yes to it. So it will be odd to not see her in it, but the cast seems to be stacked.
Annnnnnnnd...Holy Eye-Candy with the choices of men on AHS!!!!
We have:
Kathy Bates (Played Ethel Darling on FreakShow)

Angela Bassett (Played Desiree Dupree on FreakShow)

Evan Peters (Played Jimmy Darling in FreakShow)
Sarah Paulson (Played conjoined twins Bette and Dot in FreakShow)
Finn Wittrock (Played Dandy Mott in FreakShow)
Denis O'Hare (Played Stanley in FreakShow)
Emma Roberts (Played Maggie Esmeralda in FreakShow)
Lady Gaga has a leading role, I believe this is her first major television series debut-It will be interesting to see what type of character she will portray.  
Matt Bomer (Lead role in Hotel)
Cheyenne Jackson  (Lead role in Hotel)
Chloe Sevigny
                                                                               Max Greenfield
Looking at all these men that will be on....Ummm pretty sure its going to be hard to concentrate on the show with all this Eye-Candy going on!!! I mean come on....AHS...Eye candy is always a good long as its not Twisty the clown!!!! lol...
What do you think of the new seasons cast?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Walking Dead Season 5 Finale...

Walking Dead Season 5 Finale

March 29th, 2015

on AMC channel at 9pm


          Mark it on your calendars Walking Dead Fans.....The season 5 finale is said to be on March 29th, and then we have to wait a pain-staking 7 months for the next season!! But lets get back to the finale... It is set to be 90 minutes instead of the usual 60 minutes. The fact that it is going to be 90 mins instead of 60 tells me that something INSANE will happen...but what? Just when we think we might be able to guess what it could be...the show completely throws us all and leaves us speechless!

Norman Reedus
                          Norman Reedus has said in recent interviews that Walking Dead fans should "Bring Kleenex and
you'll be screaming at your television's."
The last time he said that......Beth died....
So my gut is telling me that a character we have become emotionally
drawn to is going to get killed off.
The characters that a lot of people have become emotionally attached
to this season(since Beth died) are Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Carol, Maggie, Sasha, I would put Glenn in this category but we have not seen too much of him, and he has not really played a major role so far.
It is hard to think about who will be killed off....You have to admit as soon as we hear that a finale is going to be emotional and we have to have Kleenex ready, you and I both know that someone we really like is going to be killed!!! I avoid looking things up about The Walking Dead, especially because there are people who have read the comics and know more of the story than people who are like me and DO NOT WANT to know until we watch it. So I will be anxiously counting down the days until the finale....I will get my Kleenex ready and make sure my phone is on silent...there is NOTHING worse than someone calling to talk during your favourite show..LOL
So who is going to get killed off?? What on Earth is going to happen that makes this finale 90 minutes instead of 60 minutes??? And Where is the Walker World is Morgan....will he finally catch up to Rick and the group?....OHHHHHH I just had huge ah-ha moment...OMG...What IF Morgan is actually in Alexandria???? What if he got there before Rick and the Rickinators?? ohh it'd be SO AWESOME if it turns out he is there...or that in this 'New Cult" (ha ha ha) Morgan just shows up.. and that Rick and Morgan meet up again..... ohhhh... I LOVE ah-ha moments like that!!! LOL...
So leave a comment....Who do you think will get killed off?
                                     What do you think will happen that makes it a 90 minute episode?

Thanks for reading....




Sunday, February 1, 2015

Beautiful Photos I Have Taken


Fall Sunrise
The Dunes at Port Burwell Provincial Park

Summer Sunset at Port Burwell Provincial Park

Awesome clouds forming above a farmers field

Baseball Diamond Sunset

Fall Sunrise
Winter Sunrise

Summer Sunrise

Summer Sunrise